Google Social reporting

The Social Engagement reports allow you to see how people shared content on your site via social actions. Examples of social actions on your site that can be tracked include Google +1 button clicks, Facebook “Like” and “Send” interactions, and bookmarks.

Three reports help you analyze the sharing and social activity on your site:

  • Visitors > Social > Engagement: Compare number of pages viewed per visit, average time on site, bounce rate, and other metrics for visits that included and did not include social actions. This allows you to determine whether people who used social actions that are available on your site viewed fewer or more pages, for example, than people who did not use use social actions.For visits that included social actions, you can compare metrics for each social source/action combination. For example, you can compare whether visits that included a +1 button click had a longer average time on site than visits that included a Facebook Send.
  • Visitors > Social > Action: Compare the number of social actions (+1 clicks, Likes, etc) for each social source and social source-action combination.For example, you can compare the number of Facebook Like’s versus Facebook Send’s on your site, or compare the total number of Facebook interactions with the total number of Twitter interactions.
  • Visitors > Social > Pages: This report allows you to compare the number of actions on each page of your site. You can see this information by social source or by social source-action combination.For example, you can see which pages on your site prompted the most Facebook actions, the most Twitter actions, or the most Facebook Like actions. Page is the page on which the social action was taken; Social Entity is the page that was shared (via a “Like”, a “+1”, etc).

reported by Google