How Should You Position Your Personal Brand?

There are many different ways you can position your brand in the market. Each will attract a different kind of clientele. How do you position your personal brand to attract the ideal kind of clients? Here are a few different brand positions to choose from.

Being First or Original

If you can firmly establish yourself as the first or the original in a given topic, it’ll become very hard for other people to come into your market. They’ll just come off as copycats.

Coca-Cola, for example, will probably always be the leading soda brand, primarily because they were here first. Pepsi is seen as a bit of a coke-copy, for no other reason than because they came on the market second.

 Being the Go-To Expert Brand in a Certain Sub-Niche

When people think of a certain topic, you want them to think of you. The goal is to become the go-to expert in a certain narrow sub-niche.

For example, when someone thinks of personal development, they often think of Tony Robbins. When someone thinks of real estate flipping, they often think of Robert Allen (the “no money down” guy.)

These are higher profile examples, but the principle applies even to much smaller markets. It’s much better to be well known in a small sub-niche than obscure in a bigger market.

Being Personable, Caring about the Client

Another effective way to position your brand is to be Number One in customer service. This can’t just be lip service. Your company needs to go so far out of their way for the benefit of the customer that people are amazed.

One prime example is Nordstrom. Their clothing is priced significantly higher than other clothing stores, yet they’re an immensely successful business.

Why? Because of their reputation for customer service. If it wasn’t for that, they’d probably be priced out of the market.

 Being a Brand that is interesting to Follow

This last brand works very well for some, but won’t work at all for others.

Some people’s brand is basically that they’re interesting companies or people to follow.

Richard Branson (founder of Virgin Records, Virgin Airlines), for example, has a phenomenal brand as someone who’s totally off the wall and just plain interesting for people to follow.

In this case, your brand is either very controversial, very unconventional or just plain interesting.

Again, this style works for a select handful of people but doesn’t work at all for many.

These are a few different ways you can position your personal brand. As you can tell, there are many different kinds of brands that can succeed. The most important thing is that you pick one style and stick with it. Trying to change your brand midway will just dilute your image.