Why Implementing Social CRM Is Important To Your Business

Why Implementing Social CRM Is Important To Your Business

Everyone and their pet is on social media these days, and so are smart businesses.  Companies around the globe have found that being on sites like Facebook and Twitter has helped them significantly in terms of what is referred to as “social CRM.” Social CRM, also known as “social customer relationship management,”  allows companies to […]

Enhance your Twitter experience

Twitter is an excellent social media tool that really can engage followers and enhance your brand’s identity online. There are some third-party online twitter tools that can make tweeting and managing your account just that much easier.

Top 5 twitter accounts in South Africa

Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read short 140-character text messages, called “tweets”. Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Do you know the top 5 twitter accounts in South Africa?

Twitter Trends: Making Your Marketing Research Easier

On the first of May, Twitter released its brand new updated app for both Androids and iPhones.  Though not a whole lot has changed, there is one feature that businesses are sure to appreciate:  Trends.  Instead of needing to get your Hootsuite up and running, this brand new Twitter app feature can help you quickly […]

10 mistakes made on Facebook pages

People often make mistakes made on their Facebook pages or in Social Media Marketing when trying to get their business into the marketplace. Follow this simple advice from Social Bakers. 1. Post too many times a day on Facebook The recommended number of posts for brands is about 1 – 2 posts per day, for media companies, this can be 5 – 10 posts […]