Twitter Trends: Making Your Marketing Research Easier

On the first of May, Twitter released its brand new updated app for both Androids and iPhones.  Though not a whole lot has changed, there is one feature that businesses are sure to appreciate:  Trends.  Instead of needing to get your Hootsuite up and running, this brand new Twitter app feature can help you quickly and easily view any of the trends happening in your industry or niche both locally and worldwide.

Where You Can Find Trends

After you’ve downloaded the new Twitter app, head right to the “Discover” tab and you’ll be able to view any of the trends that you’ve selected.  You should also be able to find them on Home and Search pages via the web.

The great part is that you’ll be able to choose the trends that you want to follow for your Twitter business account, and can view trends both worldwide and for a specific location.  This is incredibly beneficial for businesses that have a presence in one or more locations.  For example, let’s say you have a store in Cape Town and one in Johannesburg.  You can use this newfound ability to view the different trends in both cities, and then create content that caters to your leads and customers in Cape Town, and content that caters to your leads and customers in Johannesburg.

What Happens When You Click On A Trend?

When you click on any one of the trends that you’ll see in your sidebar, you’ll then be taken to a Twitter search results page for that Trend.  You can then see any and all tweets that include a particular phrase or #hashtag.

You can also look up previous trends by simply performing a search for the keyword.  This feature can be valuable if you need to reference something from the past, or if you perhaps want to see how a competitor handled a certain trend before.

How Twitter Determines Trends

Twitter uses an algorithm that identifies which topics are immediately popular as opposed to topics that have been popular over the past week, or even over the past 24 hours.  This new Trend feature keeps you immediately up to date with what the hottest emerging topics on Twitter are.

How You Can Use This To Your Advantage

Staying on top of trends is incredibly important for companies.  Not only can it help you really craft the best possible marketing campaign for your company, but always being on top of what’s hot and what’s not will  make your company stand out as being cutting edge and innovative.

Twitter makes it possible for anyone to “participate” in a trend by simply creating a Tweet that includes the exact trending word or phrase, or using a #hashtag.  You can use this to your advantage when it comes to promoting content for your blog or site.  Creating fresh content and helpful solutions as well as reporting on news stories related to these trends will help you in terms of SEO, in terms of lead and customer retention, and will ultimately result in a real increase in your profits.