What type of classified user are you?

How is the online classified user identified? Does possessing certain traits identify one as a classified user? There are four potential types of classifieds users:
  • The closet classified user: This user has a phobia about being seen as a classified user and always uses a pseudonym. Most sites allow anonymous browsing and registration is only necessary when placing an advert.
  • The habitual classified user: This user makes their favourite classified site their first port of call when logging online. They spend as long as four to five hours a day on their chosen classifieds site, searching for bargains and reading adverts. What distinguishes these users is that they rarely buy anything.
  • The bargain classified user: This user has several of the traits of the habitual user, but constantly buys online. Some of their chosen goods are not necessities, but the addicted bargain user believes that the purchases are “good buys” and continues to scour the site on a daily basis.
  • The scammer: This user is the enemy of every classified site. The scammer places adverts, usually in the “Pet” section, to play on the emotions of the user. A popular scam is to advertise pets for free and then to request payment for kennel or vet fees. Follow the security rules of the site to protect yourself from being scammed by these ruthless predators.

Classified sites are a good, convenient way to get rid of your household clutter and to pick up bargains, so ensure that your experience on the classified site is rewarding